Benefits Of Creating Levels In Your Jewelry Displays

Jewelry displays wholesale

Necklaces and bracelets are a visual treat accentuate them with gorgeous jewelry displays?

Selling diamonds is simple, and difficult: these are profoundly desirable items, a fact reflected on their price tags. Selling diamonds, or other premium items, is about convincing your customer that “this is the one”; the piece that they simply must have. Being judicious about the organization of your jewelry displays and the products within them is a huge part of creating an environment that invites that epiphany.

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Jewelry Display That Serves Two Functions

Placing a display near a street facing window is a good way to generate foot traffic. Make sure your merchandise is displayed close to eye level, It should he easy for passersby to understand what you sell with a glance. Tree earing displays are particularly effective in this situation.

Absolutely Positively No Stacking

Stacking jewelry, specifically rings are a popular but unfortunate way to present jewelry. Apart from the physical awkwardness that comes from pulling off several rings to get to the one you want, it’s a bit like digging through the bargain bin. Regardless of the factual fragility of the item, allowing jewelry to touch other items alleviates much of its prestige.

Sort By Size.

Within individual displays, sorting by size can make things much easier for customers and employees.

Visual Complexity

When laying out a showcase, keep in mind the way that people’s eyes will travel around the space. Your tallest displays should be at the back, and sides of the case. Organize the merchandise thematically, but not at the expense of a visually pleasing display. I would recommend putting a product back in its box instead of somewhere it detracts from its surroundings.

Premium items should always be displayed in a way that reflects their value. The quality of their surroundings and the care in their presentation makes a huge difference in your customers perception.


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