Gridwall Hooks Cannot Be Used on Slatwall


Both gridwall and slatwall are two types of wall systems that retail stores can use to build display inside their store location. Both are highly praised for their customization options, versatility, and compatibility with countless accessories. However, they are built and work in completely different ways. They both have very different appearances when you see the stand-alone product by itself. One is made from metal wire, and one is made from wood.

These two types of fixtures have the same principles when hanging shelves, hooks, and other accessories, but if you try to install hooks designed for gridwall onto slatwall, they will not work. The same is true for trying to install slatwall hooks onto gridwall.

How Gridwall Works

Gridwall works like a panel of metal wire frames formed into a grid, hence the name. Shelving units and hooks can be used on the gridwall to create a nice display. The nature of gridwall makes it possible for you to install shelving units at any height you see fit. Gridwall is often found in garden stores, home improvement stores, and auto parts stores, gift show set up and even pop-up stores. Grid wall can be easily put up and taken down

How Slatwall Works

Slatwall works in similar ways like the gridwall, but instead of metal wireframes, you have ¾” wood that has grooves slots into the wood usually every 3” on high end slatwall it is every 6”. Mounting hardware for shelves and hooks are simplified and reduced to small tabs that slide into the grooves, when inserted into the slats correctly, the units are secured snugly. Installation of slatwall is screwed into the studs directly holding the slatwall up onto the wall. Slatwall is not meant to be put up and taken down multiple time it is more of a permanent fixture.

Why Gridwall Hooks Won’t Work on Slatwall

Most gridwall is made of metal wire, while thicker than common wiring that you would happen to find, is still rather thin, in which the mounting hardware for gridwall hooks must accommodate. The prongs you see on gridwall hook hardware are designed to wrap around the gridwall so that it clamps onto gridwall securely. The gridwall prongs will not fit into the slatwall groove. We do not recommend trying to install accessories that is not compatible with another type of fixture. Rather than attempt to modify mounting hardware or slats to accommodate gridwall hooks, it would be far easier to just buy the type of hooks for the fixtures you own. Get gridwall hooks for gridwall only to ensure you have displays that always work.

Choosing Between Gridwall And Slatwall

There are differences between gridwall and slatwall that encourage store owners to choose one over the other. Gridwall is known for its cost-efficiency, while slatwall is known for its durability. It is true that more work goes into creating slatwall than gridwall. There is a more complex design with slatwall, as while gridwall is an amazing concept in the retail industry, it is also cheap and simple.. We do not consider one to be better than the other, so feel free to choose the one based on your personal preferences.


Both gridwall and slatwall are highly praised in the retail world. However, you should not try to install gridwall hooks onto slatwall, and vice versa. They are completely different fixture types in stores, and their accessories are made just for their own type in mind.


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