How to Create Safe and Secure Jewelry Displays?

Jewelry Displays

Every jewelry retailer worries about loss prevention and theft in their store. Many jewelry items are small enough to fit into the palm of a hand or a pocket, which especially worries the store owners. Jewelry comes with a very high price tag, and hence, security becomes a critical issue. Therefore, jewelry store owners buy jewelry display cases online for utmost safety.

The right jewelry showcases can help protect your merchandise without the risk of security issues. Portable cases and trays can be rolled or carried into the vault. Another option is to look for jewelry display cases online with a rotating display section underneath for storage, which leaves the visible top section empty. An enclosed showcase that locks is the perfect security solution to protect jewelry during sales hours.

Many suppliers offer customization options. You can find them in many different materials and any shape and size. You can either pick floor fixtures, wall-mounted, or countertop models. You can easily select the ones that match your store’s overall ambiance. Jewelry display cases can be made with security glass as well.

Acrylic offers far more advantages for aesthetics and security. It is highly impact-resistant and can be coated to resist scratches and fingerprints. It is ideal in environments where shoppers want to examine the items up close.

Apart from the jewelry, you need to protect the entire store, and there are many ways to do that. The cost of theft can be much higher than you think. Other than the monetary value of the pieces sold, you also have to pay to replace and repair the damaged display cases. You may have to purchase new inventory to replace lost merchandise. So make sure you invest in the right showcases and in-store procedures in order to significantly reduce those risks without sacrificing visual merchandising or customer engagement. Choosing the right jewelry showcases will give you greater peace of mind.

Importance of Proper Showcase Construction

Even if using the strongest glass ever created, wiring installation can lead to security failure. The best showcases will have the glass assembled on all sides of the fixture, and glazing material will secure all sides during the installation. Ensure that all materials used for the construction are UL-certified.

Some displays also have open-end designs where the glass spans across several cases. Welded glass cube showcases can also be compromised due to their structure. However, they have become increasingly popular among jewelry store owners. Special considerations need to be made when using them.

Incorporate Security Features

Since your jewelry cabinets contain high-value items, you must have secure locking systems to prevent theft. The lock and key mechanism is the main type of locking system found on display cabinets. The type of glass used on a display cabinet is also important, along with the locking system.

Different types of security glass are used to keep products safe without stopping customers from being able to view them properly. This includes laminated and security glass. In the former, two panels of glass are laminated together using a plastic interlayer. The latter involves two sections of glass joined with a tough interlayer that withstands impact.

To Conclude

So, make sure you incorporate these things in your jewelry display strategy. Look for suppliers who can provide safe and secure jewelry display systems.


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